Friday, September 16, 2011

English Assignment #1

I always wanted a dog since I was a little girl. Every year on my Christmas and 
birthday list, a dog would be on the top of the list. We could never get one 
because my mom had cancer and her doctor said her immune system was too weak and 
they did not want her to catch something from a dog.

At the end of my freshman year of high school, my friend gave me a cold which 
turned into bronchitis which I passed on to my mother.  We were both at the 
doctor and afterwards we went into the dog store. We always would go in to look 
but never got one. For some reason, my mom asked to hold a little white puppy. 
The woman took the dog out of his pen and the dog went crazy and ran around the 
whole store, happy to be taken out. After about five minutes of running around, 
he got tired and stopped. My mom picked him up and he fell asleep right in her 
arms. At this moment, my mother felt an instant connection.

I, however, was not crazy about this dog because I had always wanted a Yorkshire 
Terrier because I thought they were the cutest dogs. The next day we went back 
and I got to see him and hold him for myself and I realized what a special dog 
he was. He let me hold him like he was a human baby. A day later, we took him 
home. He helped me through a very hard time in my life and became the one thing 
that could make me happy when I was feeling the worst.

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